Canadian Immigration Consulting Company

Nordex Immigration Inc.

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant - IRB (unrestricted license)

Canadian Immigration Consulting Company

Nordex Immigration Inc.

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant - IRB (unrestricted license)

Canadian Immigration Consulting Company

Nordex Immigration Inc.

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant - IRB (unrestricted license)

Canadian Immigration Consulting Company

Nordex Immigration Inc.

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant - IRB (unrestricted license)

Study Permits

Generally, foreign nationals must obtain a Study Permit to study in Canada.

A Study Permit is a written authorization allowing foreign nationals to study in Canada. A Study Permit is usually valid for the length of the study program, plus an extra 90 days.

However, a study permit is not required in such circumstances as:

(1) completing a distance learning program;

(2) following audit courses (where a student is permitted to attend an academic course without obtaining credits);

(3) taking courses included in tour packages as a secondary activity for tourists;

(4) taking a course which is not academic, professional or vocational in nature that is of general interest and can be completed within the period authorized upon entry to Canada;

(5) taking a course or a program of study which is six months or less that can be completed within the period authorized upon entry into Canada.

To apply for a study permit, you need an acceptance letter from a Designated Learning Institution (“DLI”). A designated learning institution is a school approved by a provincial or territorial government to host international students. All primary and secondary schools in Canada are deemed designated learning institutions. If your post-secondary school (college or university) is not on the DLI List, you are not eligible to apply for a study permit. Once you have your acceptance letter, you can complete and submit an application for a study permit.